Showing posts with label bravery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bravery. Show all posts

Friday, June 29, 2012

I dare you

It's time for some challenge.

I've noticed that I've been more hermit-like in the past months, keeping at home to avoid the struggle and embarrassment that is going out with an unpredictable child. I haven't taken Soren to the grocery store in a year (yay Amazon Fresh delivery); I do errands when Soren is at school or in therapy; I know where all the drive-through Starbucks are.

For our boy, stores can be overwhelming, with new sounds, sights, and people. And oh, the wide open spaces! Soren just can't pass up an opportunity to run--away. I've had more than one episode of chasing Soren through the pharmacy just in time to prevent him from running out the front door. Scary stuff.

Can you guess whose challenges these are?
  • One of us feels especially embarrassed by standing out in public
  • One of us hates to have his hands held
  • One of us likes to lie down in stores as a way of regaining some control
  • One of us is fine with screaming in public when encountering new situations
  • One of us is too big to fit in grocery carts (okay, make that two of us)
  • One of us needs to be bribed with a drink to get through a quick errand (again, perhaps that's two of us)
  • One of us is feeling increased guilt about not living life in the open
So, this is the summer. The summer that Soren and I will bite the bullet and do the hard things that make us part of a community. We have a right to be out and visible in our neighborhood and city. Even if we stand out. Even if we feel awkward. Even if we need to practice this getting-out skill.

So here's a short list of our challenge targets. I'd like to tackle at least one a week.
  • Coffee shop
  • Grocery store
  • Ferry trip
  • Water playground in north Seattle
  • U-pick berry farm
  • Farmers' market
  • Ice cream place
  • Neighborhood dive bar (just checking to see if you're still awake)
What about you? Can you think of a summer adventure that will require some bravery, some confidence on your part? I'd love some compatriots on this journey.



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