Showing posts with label swimming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label swimming. Show all posts

Friday, June 22, 2012

Swimming vacation

We're in re-entry mode here as we come back after a lovely mini-vacation in Chelan with Erik's family. We rented a house with a (heated) pool, and I bet you can guess where we were most of the time.

Soren and his cousins (five boys five and under!) were little fish the whole time. It's great seeing Soren in the water--it's really a great equalizer for kids. He's pretty much fearless in the water now; he can float, put his face in, open his eyes under the water, kick, and jump (er, belly flop). Now we just need to teach him some actual swimming moves like paddling so we can take off his life preserver.

Fish-eye view

Soren lounging with cousin Matt

Aunt Jenny with cousins Jerry and Will


As a special gift to his parents, Soren slept through the night each night there. I think it's a combination of lots of sunshine and lots of swimming (as in, hours and hours every day). Poor kid is probably pretty disappointed in our Seattle home this week.

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