Monday, November 5, 2012

Thankful, part I

I'm always inspired by bloggers who post every day in November with their gratitudes. (Hi, cousin Amanda!) I thought I'd set my sights a bit lower and try for at least two thankful lists this month.

First off, Soren's anxiety is pretty much gone! This gift is pretty much all we need this month. There is rarely crying on the way to and at school, or sobbing inexplicably at night, or random breakdowns (of both of us) in the car. My anxiety level is also lowered; there is nothing as wonderful as seeing a cheeky smile in the morning instead of weeping. This past month of anxiety has been one our most trying, and I'm just so thankful it's behind us, even for just now.

Second, we have a fabulous trip planned to Maui later this year. When we went to the same location last year, Soren had so much fun. He is made for water. And hours of swimming every day meant sleeping through the night AND a daily nap for him. Oh that we could be so lucky again. (As you may recall, sleep is kind of big deal in this house.)

Third, with Soren in kindergarten, I find myself with lots of free time. As an introvert, alone time is pretty fantastic. I've been organizing, baking, doing Pilates, and running more. Eventually I need to do some research about a job (gasp!), but for now, I'm relishing the balance that this time brings.

Finally, I'm so thankful for the amazing team of therapists and teachers that have come into our lives. I can tell that it's more of a job for them; it's truly a calling and a gift they have to interact with and care for--and enjoy!--our boy and others like him. I feel another blog post about our angelic therapist/nanny/babysitter, Lindsay, itching to come out soon.

What are you thankful for in your corner of the world?

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