Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I love it when something new exceeds expectations. We spent a lovely Sunday afternoon attending church--all three of us, together the whole time.

That's a big deal, and quite overdue (as in years--ahem). 

The service is a new one, at a local Episcopalian church. I think what convinced me to try it out was this description of the service:

"The monthly gathering, with all the elements of an Episcopal Eucharist, is a “safe space” where all manifestations of interacting with God are not just acceptable but enthusiastically welcomed. All kinds of kids are welcome to worship in this grace-filled and Spirit-laden way – from those with special needs to those who are especially wiggly."

The service was exactly what we needed:
  • No expectations about when to speak (or not to speak) or make noise.
  • No expectations about where to sit or stand, or whether you can pace or even prance.
  • Plenty of hands-on activities like coloring and drumming to cater to all interests and attention spans.
  • Communion for all of us, and even gluten-free wafers for those on special diets.
I should say that I still love our home church, and the pastors and lay leaders have gone out of their way to make us feel welcome (and welcome back). But to figure out what to do with Soren during the main service (get a high school volunteer to watch him with his class? have one of us step out with him after the children's message? or have just one adult go to church each Sunday) was just another decision to make, something else to manage. I'm kind of full up with decisions and accommodations, frankly. I anticipate that as I grow more in my role as advocate for my child and as I grow less interested in offending others, I will be ready to find a solution for our family to attend our home church regularly.

But for now, it's just great to have a space where all of us are welcomed and all of us can worship with ease--together.



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